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Summary -> Apostasy Today

This is a summary document.  All the details and history of this summary statement, and much more, are given throughout this website.

Apostasy Today (NEW AGE)

Definition:  "Apostasy is departing from 'the faith,'"  the body of doctrines that make Christianity what it is, as explicitly detailed throughout the scriptures.  These are the fundamentals of Christianity from which an apostate departs.   Here it is explicity and exactly stated:

"The Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, intended to fully and completely restore every human being to righteousness and fellowship with the Father during their lives here on earth, will not in any way possibly prevent salvation.  The scriptures by Pure Monadic and Perfect Words of the Holy Spirit assure us of this Truth.

Inductive scriptural exegesis with the Holy Spirit, as prescribed by scripture, is the only means of determing the "meaning" of God's words. 

Any meaning given, whether before or after new-birth, that could possibly prevent a person's salvation is apostasy.  It is a departure from the pure and perfect gospel taught by Christ and His Apostles in the scriptures."


This entire website is written upon the premise that there is a vast gulf; Heaven itself, defining Christianity [Scriptures (fundamentals) of what constitutes being a Christian] from hell being modern Ecumenicalism (New Evangelicalism) (1.) doctrinal neutrality, and (2.) social, religious, and political pursuits with whomever, regardless of their doctrines;  as defined by Harold J. Ockenga in 1948, and followed by Billy Graham since 1950.  See footnote.10 ).  This distinction is as wide as Heaven is from hell.

Anyone who wishes to base their eternity upon Ecumenicalism will, of course, not give this website the time of day or night.  They are by definition of plain scripture, apostates, who just don't care about scriptural doctrines, despite their pious lying rhetoric.  This includes nearly every popular modern-day preacher and teacher and answer man today.    They are most ALL Ecumenical by their own teachings, practices, and associations.

We are, obviously, in the latter times spoken by Apostle Paul when he said,

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils" Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron" (1 Tim 4:1-2).

 "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;   And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (2 Tim 4:3-4).

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come....... Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away" (2 Tim 3:1 and 5).

We are now in the Laodicean church time (Rev 3), the last church of the age, which has excluded our Lord Jesus Christ altogether.  Christ is standing outside knocking, trying to get into peoples hardened hearts (Rev 3:20).


FUNDAMENTALISM (scriptural teachings)  TODAY  is what we call NEW AGE (DISPENSATIONAL) FUNDAMENTALISM in this website.  (See 2. New Age Fundamentalism>Fundamentalism.)

New Age (Dispensational) Fundamentalists are the many who proudly call themselves Fundamentalists, but are actually evil apostates themselves.  These people think that they are Fundamentalists because they are opposed to Ecumenicalism in both of its definitional aspects of doctrinal neutrality and lack of doctrinal mandated separation from other beliefs, worldliness, or social and political issues.   These may be Independent Baptists or Southern Baptists or Plymouth Brethren or Presbyterian or whatever.  Unknown to them is that their own cherished false doctrines during the past 100 years are what have greatly led to this pagan society today; but the satan has blinded these New Age Fundamentalists' minds to not see this.  These sincere dear men have exceeding wonderful works, but nevertheless, they are workers of iniquity (Matt 7:21-23).
"A little leaven is leavening the whole lump" (1 Cor 5:6 and Gal 5:9, it is established).

We are now in the latter days spoken of by Paul and the Apostles.  Historic Apostolic doctrines are no longer generally taught in any fashion today.  Again,

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron" (1 Tim 4:1-2).

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (2 Tim 4:3-4)

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come....... Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away" (2 Tim 3:1 and 5).

The popular preachers and teachers today are totally blinded by satan concerning salvation doctrines.  Their apostate doctrines began in the early years of this country and with the beginning of Dallas Theological Seminary (1920 to date) from which they have been used by satan throughout the world.

Professing such Biblical Fundamentalism, they nevertheless, in their personal salvation doctrines are New Age and GODLESS.  Hence we call them NEW AGE (Dispensational) Fundamentalists.  See footnote.11          They teach:

 (1) the very New Age (Dispensational) apostate "grace" regardless gospel of "one-time trust only in a Savior-only" salvation regardless of sinning or unbelief thereafter; the Lordship of Christ is never necessary for salvation, it is optional for later consideration if you wish to be a superior spiritual leader.  Faith we are to live by is the same as an unregenerate man's trust; and this faith by which we are to live Holy lives in the way of good works, precedes regeneration by simply being born a human with "trust"; this is truly an unscriptural unregenerate powerless satanic gospel; "trusting in themselves" (Luke 18:9); Godless demons.

(2) unconditional eternal security regardless of disobedience of sinning or unbelief  (like pious apostate Charles Stanley and most all popular preachers today);   [[  This is a truly satanic apostate doctrine by definition; totally contrary to all plain scripture.  Any one who believes this, is believing the first lie, "the" lie (in the Greek) of the last days stated in 2 Thess 2:10-11, first uttered by satan to Eve, "Ye shall not surely die". if you disobey God. ]]

(3) the New Age revision of ancient Gnosticism OF TWO CLASSES OF "BELIEVERS", recently started (never known before 1918) by Louis Sperry Chafer (co-founder of Dallas Theological Seminary) in a 1918 book, "He That is Spiritual," of two classifications of saved Christians, called "carnal" Christians (fleshly, indistinguishable from worldly people) and "spiritual" disciples (THE RULING SUPERIOR SPIRITUALS) who are only the pastors and those from Bible schools and Seminaries.  Personal Holiness and righteousness and purity of heart with gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit are no longer required of God's children for salvation.  They get these, in fact, only after they get to Heaven by His free "grace", despite all their hypocrisy and pious lying rhetoric;  

adopted modern Dispensationalism (generalized after 1830) which accompanies and promotes all these (9) demonic doctrines as well as says, that the entire "tribulation" period (including the great tribulation under antichrist) foretold is also called "the day of the Lord", and is 7 years long (they are referred to synonymously); we Christians will never see the days of worldwide persecution of the anti-Christ coming upon the earth;  we will be raptured at the beginning of this 7 yearsa modern unscriptural (delusional) New Age teaching "of a secret" pre-tribulation rapture.  "Just go to sleep in your carnal sinning night; Christ will wake you 'up' when He comes to remove you before any unpleasantness at all."  Isn't "grace" wonderful;

(5) a very false pagan and Gnostic understanding (from Roman Catholic Anselm, 1098 AD, and later adopted by John Calvin, 1535 AD) of Christ's Atonement for us on His cross, which teaches, in fact, only a pagan appeasement-punishment by a Just Holy Father upon His sinless Son, providing  no personal release from our spiritual death from sins and sinning nature in this life, and no means of personal Holiness or righteousness now in this human life on earth.  (see 3. Fundamental Integration, "Atonement" and "Justification/Sanctification" on this website. for full explanation),   Martin Luther, especially, and John Calvin were very forceful in teaching that all our righteousness or Holiness is external to us and not in any way by indwelling of Christ in us or through us.  That their righteousness and true Holiness is only in Christ as He sits in Heaven; they say that theirs' is a foreign "synthetic" righteousness.  The carnal "sinning" Christian teachings of the "grace" regardless today are an expected extension of this;

(6) the still Roman Catholic and Calvinist type lordship of a "pastor" over Christ's assembly, called Nicolaitanism (Rev 2:6, 15) (witness the erroneous Calvinist KJV translation of Hebr 13:7 and 17 as illustration),  even saying that in these days of apostate churches universally, that you should stay in a bad one which you know will spiritually destroy your children, or, at worst choice (?), try to find a pastor=lord to start your own church that must have "to do with duly qualified and ordained leadership and the proper organization of the church" (says, DW Cloud).   (And where will you get that ordained leader from world-wide apostasy today?)

[[[  Until 300 AD Christians met in homes, and we are told that Christians were comprising such a large percentage of the Roman Empire that Emperor Constantine (313 AD) legalized them and church buildings began, and about 75 years later Emperors incorporated State Bishops and hierachy within the churches to have State control of them throughout the Empire (instituting Nicolaitanism).  The Roman Catholic Augustine, 400 AD, and later Reformation Luther and Calvin used these invented Catholic church offices to unmercifully control their churches by imprisoning and killing objectors to their teachings.  And we have these controlling Catholic and Calvinist traditions of men appear in our Bible translations today.  Roman Catholics, Lutherans, and Calvinists inserted non-existant words and man-invented words to falsely translate original scripture Greek words that did not imply a man-centered authoritarian hierarchy of man.  ]]]  See this website: 2. New Age Fundamentalism> Fundamentalism> Fundamental Fellowship, "Fellowship of Unity", for full explanation.    

This has been a tool used by satan for centuries to thwart the growth and responsibility of individual believers under only our Lord's Lordship over each individual of His Assembly, and in His meetings.  Worldly carnal people enjoy organized pastor=Lord control hierarchy churches for passive entertainment (like going to a movie or night club).  They love "playing" church, even tithing the movie or club fee, it salves their seared consciences and hardened hearts, to feel self-justified and righteous;
(7) that the KJV Calvinist English translation is without translation errors or bias and is the pure Word of God today.  Yet they themselves are not Calvinist, but the Calvinist KJV supports their Lord=pastor teaching and can be readily twisted to support these their many (9) Godless doctrines; See article Atonement>Greek Scriptures for explanation of KJV translation;  [[[  It is true by all evidence, that the KJV Calvinist English translation is taken from the earliest and most reliable Greek text, the Textus Receptus, despite the modern, scripture-inspiration-preservation denying so-called textual critics and Ecumenicals today.   In this the supporters of the inspiration-and-salvation denying Westcott & Hort and the modern translators are pure liars against massive evidence.   ]]]  and;

(8) not least, a very idiotic erroneous system of Hermeneutics, that the way to read and interpret Holy Scripture is to let the sentence of any single word with its surrounding local context define the meaning of that word in question.  With every different local context of the same single word giving a different and perhaps disparate meaning, we derive multiple and disparate meanings for each single word depending upon one's bias of interpreting any local context.  Thus, we can have all divisions, denominations, and cults justified by this means of self-centered satanic interpretation of Holy scripture

Indeed, as a result, extremely few today have any sure knowledge that they can possibly know what the apostolic doctrines are.  Here is a recent example, quoting Chuch Smith Jr.:   "No one's doctrine is perfect. I suppose that in some ways, we are all as far from the truth as the Mormons are from orthodox Christian theology. We will not have to pass a doctrinal exam to enter the kingdom of heaven. But we will have to pass another type of exam (i.e., 2 Corinthians 5:10). Were we good people? Did we follow Jesus in His compassion to others?"2   This is how totally blind and false in any spiritual understanding the so-called Christian leaders have become today.

Using this insane demonically inspired method of scripture interpretation, is exactly the cause that people see all the divisions and heresies, then conclude that teachings (doctrines) of the Bible are divisive and evil. So they insist on playing church going according to their fleshly imaginations of what "love" or "grace" is.  The New Testament church met around the Apostles' doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and in prayers.  But today people meet around what they want to call fellowship in anything, eating and drinking of everything, and prayers if must.  The more worldly and flesh pleasing the more enjoyable, of course.  Also, they openly and viciously ostrasize and aggressively castigate, thereafter, any that would like some old-time attention to Apostolic doctrines and Holy behavior in His solemn Assembly.

Finally, as the number nine for judgment, we have a total redefinition of the child simple plain salvation Words of the Holy scriptures.  These people who have blindly accepted the eight above unscriptural assertions, have on this basis had to redefine, for self justification, what the scriptures indicate as: faith, believe, repentance, sin, salvation, Christian, grace, Wrath of God, Great Tribulation, Holy, righteous, righteousness, Atonement, Redemption, Justification, Sanctification, fellowship/relationship, even God, and many more.   Thus only a little isolated Koine Greek child is the only one who can understand scriptures today.   Any association with any so-called church building or pastor today will result in certain blindness; and also through any "Christian" bookstore.

Catholics, Calvinists, and Dispensationalists, and Charismatics, and finally Emerging church today, all teach the traditions of men and not the doctrines of Christ plainly revealed in the Greek Word of our Lord.  They are all modern-day Pharisees, teaching and preaching the traditions of men.  The satan has never left the tree of knowledge of Bible Schools and Seminaries in his world of deceit and lies.

This is the extent of the satan's control of our thinking today.  But people are so spiritually blind that they all play-church by some means or another of their own choosing, picking which decitful demon doctrines that appeal to them.   Extremely few ever study for themselves as recommended in in this website.  See Hermeneutice and Appendix  

Fellowship and relationships have been redefined by today's "grace" regardless, by saying they can be living in total sinning and, therefore, out-of-fellowship with Holy God, but that they still have a saving relationship to Him through Christ's penal (legal punishment) sacrifice for them, called Penal Atonement.  This is pure ancient pagan Gnosticism, which the Apostle John wrote against in his First Epistle of John.  Gnosticism teaches that one's spirit is pure and lives with God positioned in Heaven, while our flesh natures on earth do all the sinning.  By this means one may live a life of sinning, yet go to Heaven by their pure sinless spirits going to God, because Christ has already suffered for all their sins past, present, and future.  They have Heaven guaranteed to them, they say.  This we call in this website, "Grace, regardless."  They say, "Isn't God's grace wonderful?"

As one can see, this ancient Gnostic teaching is the basis of most of the nine (9) above apostate teachings, which has persisted and worsened since Apostolic times.

This is the extent of the satan's control of our thinking today.  People are so spiritually blind that they all play-church by some means or another of their own self-pleasing and self-choosing.  Who today seriously studies the Bible, as taught on this website, to find the Truth for himself, coming to his own conclusions of what it says??  Who?  See ebook, Appendix GAppendix E, and Secions Hermeneutics and New Testament Greek.

First, the still apostate Middle Ages Calvinism, attempting to correct the totally pagan Roman Catholics, became further corrupted to Second, the modern Dispensational "grace" regardless, who teach most if not all of the nine above false teachings, which has now evolved into Third and Finally, the present Emerging Church movement teachings with their totally abject pagan Godlessness in every aspect.  This will undoubtedly be the final so-called "c"hristian church bringing in the so-called New Aquarian Age, foretold by satanist, Alice Bailey.4

It is just this progession of changing doctrines (not scriptural historic Biblical Apostolic Christianity), very unscriptural false doctrines, that affect our salvation teachings, during the past 115 years in this country. These false teachings have already destroyed our society from continuing to be a Christian nation.  A little (smallest) leaven has now leavened the whole lump.

America is NOW an apostate godless pagan country
despite all the guerrilla dust by today's "spiritual superiors" complaining only about immorality and lack of separation.  But how is it possible to have Holiness and Godly lives without being indwelt obedient disciples of our Lord, which they deny as necessary or even possible for salvation or Godly Living?   In only a few years the whole United States of America will likely have Federal and State laws prohibiting teaching or upholding any moral principles in any government funded endeavors.  America is NOW an apostate godless forsaken country.  And now it will only get worse very fast. 

Satan's plan (disclosed by Alice Bailey, the late leading satanist) is to outlaw and destroy Christianity in order to get his worldwide government.  What people don't realize is that (as Alice Bailey also predicted) this destruction of Christianity will occur from within the church by disposing of Apostolic doctrines. 

Apostolic doctrines (teachings) are all that make Christianity what it is
The New Testament church in Acts 2:42, consisted of only four things: the Apostles' doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and in prayers.    When we discard doctrines because they are not "loving," the church is destroyed.  The doctrines are the only thing distinctly Christian. 

Today, the sign in front, "Christian Church," is a slap in the face of Him who died for it.

It is since about 1908 with the Scofield Reference Bible with extensive Notes that such false Dispensational New Age salvation teachings began in this country, later popularized in this country by Dallas Theological Seminary since about 1920, and promoted by BOTH the Ecumenicals today as well as the New Age Fundamentalists today.

The self proclaimed Indepentent Fundamentalists today interestingly protest against lack of separation from worldliness and Liberalism in the church today, but it is exactly their own Dispensational salvation doctrines, taught to them since 1908,  that HAVE CAUSED this Ecumenical doctrinal neutrality and paganized nation that we see today.   Yet, they moan about the immorality and worldliness in churches today, but they fail to see that THEIR OWN Dispensational SALVATION DOCTRINES ARE A DIRECT CONTRIBUTING CAUSE OF IT ALL.

They have been doctrinally blinded themselves, concerning Dispensational salvation, hierarchy of clergy, and prophecy; supporting all the unscriptural false salvation doctrines listed above (Col 2:8).   If sincere people are listening to their salvation doctrines, why shouldn't they live like the devil and play church in places more pleasing to their carnal pleasures, and read or believe whatever or listen to whatever music they prefer.  "Who are these religious bigots, telling us what to do?  We are saved by 'grace', trusting in our Savior, not works."    They have no saving understanding of repentance, believe, grace, faith, etc.  They are totally blind parrots, having memorized doctrines by hearing cliches, and witty quotes.  Thinking themselves to be wise, they become fools.  The only know the doctrines taught by men, if they even know that much.

These same New Age Fundamental teachers today, with these nine salvation doctrines (teachings) listed above, are the very reason that church players today are consumed in lives of "self-devotion and consecrated self-realizations" of Contemplative Spirituality of the new Emergent Church movement sweeping the land.   Their churches today are filled with deceived unsaved people, who have never heard the true gospel of Jesus Christ for their salvation.  They just think of themselves as "carnal" Christians, "followers of Christ," just trusting Christ for their free salvation, awaiting actual Holiness and righteousness for themselves after they enter Heaven.    How sad and deceived.

Jesus said, "Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican" (Luke 18:8-10).
This is the type of deceptive invasion in the minds of sincere diligent men, God fearing men like those who are New Age Fundamentalists today, as well as Ecumenicals today,  that has been accomplished in those who have attended Bible Schools or Seminaries in the past 95 years in this country.  These dear sincere men are truly a great sadness, directly leading OUR WHOLE SOCIETY straight to hell, with their own false salvation doctrines.  Just like the Pharisees in Christ's day.

The satan is first noted in the scriptures at the tree of knowledge (Gen 3) and he has never left.  All Apostolic teachings and now our society itself have been totally redefined and perverted by his presence throughout history in all areas of higher learning.   Now men are trusting in themselves as God, thinking they possess faith and spiritual abilities, as the satan foretold (Gen 3). They are blind.   They come out of these teaching institutions as deductive thinkers (satanic thinkers), never again to regain doctrinal OR THINKING sanity. 

Blinded by the satan, because they themselves did not adhere to a Love of Truth in their personal seeking, they looked to their esteemed Bible teachers, accepting their false assertions (doctrines and traditions of men), and interpreted the plain original Greek scriptures accordingly to the false IRRATIONAL and satanic means of Hermeneutics taught them.

Consequently, these dear men use demonic deductive thinking in doctrines in all their ways thereafter.  Satan has done a horrendous work in the minds of presumed Bible teachers in this country.

And today they sadly recommend and refer OUR children and THEIR own children to such false modern day teachers as well.  And sadly, can offer nothing to God's children in these apostate times than to stay with a duly ordained lord=pastor minister of pagan Catholic-Calvinist hierarchy, instead of meeting as all believers once did in homes, each looking to the Lord in them to manifest His teachings and ministry through each as Paul outlined in His writings.

Never before has the instruction of Paul to the Philippians (Phil 1:10) been more appropriate, "Approve things that are excellent."  To do this one must diligently discern ALL other things.

Remember, only "Approve things that are excellent."    Be diligent enough in your learning to reject all else.

Learn what the process of proper Hermeneutics (interpretation of the scriptures) is.  See section Hermeneutics to learn to discern "absolute Truth".

REMEMBER, "In this world, the satan is always in the details."

"Take heed that no man deceive you" (Matt 24:4 and Mark 13:5)

"That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ (footnote1) is at hand.(not passed or missed--no secret rapture having been missed is implied, nor is any immediacy taught in the scriptures).  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away (646, apostasia, fallling away, apostasy) first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition" (2 Thess 2:2-3).

Roman Catholicism and Calvinism Today
If you have studied this website, you require no further explanation.  What is the speed of darkness?

[[[[    Addendum:  It is of interest that so-called NEW AGE Fundamentalism today (that is, totally false teachings, thinking they are Biblical)  will be regressing backwards thru previous history forms in their Bible Schools and Seminaries; as they desparately try to cling to some form of "old fashioned" doctrines.  They little realize that as the few, and being the most conservative and doctrinal people, they are totally deceived and false themselves.  But popularity is actually their guide, not being Biblical.

Deceived men unknowingly energized by evil, seek only acceptability of men.  This will only lead to a total regression of thinking in religious form in these latter days.   This can only be the expected outcome in these last days of history of man in this Age.  ]]]]]  

                                       POST MODERN ERA

The POST MODERN ERA, since 1990's, started with Presidents Clintons' and Vice President Gore's personal statements against Bible followers and their popular press characterizations of being the first Post Modern Administration in their free-thinking relativisms and propensities for redefining themselves at will.

NOW LASTLY, HAVING NOW AN UNDERSTANDING of how present Christianity has been totally perverted from Biblical doctrines during the 1800-1990's, called the MODERN ERA, by the above precise explanations, let us look into the future of this present world-wide POST MODERN ERA apostasy foretold to worsen till the Lord returns.

                    Religiously IN THIS ALREADY WELL DEVELOPED APOSTASY, we have a clear definition of these POST MODERN TIMES which confesses that no one can know Truth, and so depart from any reference to what the scriptures and Apostles teach.  Morals are now laughable to our society.   We now clearly have what is called the Post Modern Era, that our NOW DECEIVED empty hearts, created for spiritual understanding and relationships, must find its answer in new and more relevant pursuits than just the written Word from a moral Creator God Himself. 

This pursuit was popularly begun by Rick Warren in THE PURPOSE DRIVEN CHURCH concept of WHAT is needed to bring everyone of the world to a quasi-spiritual consciousness somewhat relating to the already established "church".    This is a FIRST, and in order to do this, (1) the old methods of preaching sin and hell and a need for personal righteousness and Holiness through commitment to Christ's Lordship, must be totally removed from the church program.  (2) Biblical doctrines are to be totally shunned for a spiritual "oneness" of fellowship and living in the now old Evangelical "c"hristian "I"ove within the context of the "church" building, organized and made for such purposes..  This may involve a bowling alley or a Starbuck Coffee, and so forth, within the "church" building, and so forth.  Whatever may accommodate the people of the world is what should be considered.

This is a SECOND, now, after only about 10 years of this Purpose-Driven "church" movement, we have the next step toward the satan's orchestrated foretold "apostasy" of the latter days in 1 Tim 4:1-4 and 2 Tim 4:1-4 to name only two scriptures.  This next step is now called THE EMERGING CHURCH,  which is going a step farther to prescribe HOW to give what is needed to bring everyone of the world to a quasi-spiritual consciousness somewhat relating to the already established "church".     This new movement has been clearly endoursed by Rick Warren as a method to further accomplish this goal.

THE EMERGING CHURCH is now promoting "change" in FOUR areas.
encourages icons, statues of saints, prayers of saints, candles lighted for spiritual intents, holding hands in prayer and singing for spiritual communion, going bach to the physical "presence" within the sacraments of communion, Ecumenical returns to Roman Catholic venerations and practices, including attribution of "Virgin Mary", Queen of Heaven, spiritual manifestations of Fatimas, supernatural appearances and manifestations of all kinds, and

a new introduction of Contemplative Prayer or Contemplative Spirituality or Spiritual Formation, of somewhat Monastic Roman Catholic roots as well as many Eastern religious roots and experiences.  The premise of contemplative spirituality is pantheistic (God is all) and panentheistic (God is in all).6   Upon this premise, contemplative prayer utilizes the idea that all paths lead to God, thus completely negating the gospel message of salvation through Christ's atoning work alone.  They say, "God doesn't care what religion you are, just add Jesus to what you already have." Thus you can be a Buddhist with Jesus, a Hindu with Jesus, that's OK. One author clarifies this when he states: "The greatest enemy to the movement of Jesus Christ is Christianity."5   

This type of prayer consists of starting with repetitions of many sorts until one can progress to a total quiet altered state of consiousness, bringing consciousness of spiritual matters unattainable otherwise.  Their leaders train members in multi- sensory learning experiences.  Miracles and wonders are sought with great religious fervor. And

The Emerging Church movement is preterist in prophecies, saying that the world is getting better and better and that the church is bringing the Kingdom of God on the earth.    The 190 year old venerated American Bible Society, respected and trusted by millions, was fully promoting, with hundreds of resources, the Emerging Church, Contemplative Spirituality, and New Age ideas through its online ministry, until it became fully known.3   Where is their heart today?   Even the Southern Baptist bookstores are selling their books on Contemplative Spirituality.

This is NOW, today, all in the name of THE "Christian church," and all the such developing future spiritual practices and manifestations shall be called "Christian" also.4   See footnote.  This all is a total final preparation of the world religions for the antichrist soon to appear.

(4) SURPRISE !!   NOW from the year 2006, the fourth and latest movement advocated widely is devoting to "I am not a Christian, I am a follower of Christ."  This makes light of many past Christian people and their practices, and highlights only a casual nonconfronting neutral private form of "spiritual" walk.    

NOW, those in popular church leadership, as Rick Warren and numerous others, as
Chuch Swindoll, are advocating meditative practices for Spirituality rather than committing to any particular doctrines and the faith of Christ within them.  This gives any person license to use Contemplative Spirituality for himself in his own way.   For full explanation of this, with videos and documentation see this Lighthousetrails Link.

Here is a good summary of what is now evolving throughout the world.  It is something called "The New Missiology."

          The New Missiology--Keep Your Own Religion, Just Add Jesus12  
                         The new missiology says three things:
1. You can keep your own religion -- Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Mormonism -- you just need to add Jesus to the equation. Then you become complete. You become a Buddhist with Jesus, a Hindu with Jesus, a Muslim with Jesus and so on.
2. You can throw out the term Christianity and still be a follower of Jesus.

3. In fact, you can throw out the term Christian too. In some countries you could be persecuted for calling yourself a Christian, and there is no need for that. Just ask Jesus into your heart, you don't have to identify yourself as a Christian.
The Emergent church is now openly teaching "god is all, and god in all (man is god)," and eventually they will openly say, also, "no exclusiveness at all" (unity of world).   

And you don't think total apostasy is truly here today?
Now, those of Christian background, saying "I am not a Christian, I am a follower of Christ," become acceptable and at one with Islam and Muslims, who also honor one of their great Prophets, Christ.  So now even a Muslim can be considered much like a Christian in this regard, and both, as you may know, looking for their "saviour" to appear in the very near future.      And you don't think that a world-wide religion will soon be worshipping the future "christ" to appear?

                                                        WORLD-WIDE, GLOBALLY

The reader is encouraged to see an extensive and well documented article, here linked,  entitled "Purpose-Driven Deception on a Global Basis."  This article details that the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)7 invited Rick Warren to join their semi-secret, anti-Christian organization.  And how might the membership of Rick Warren benefit the elite Oxford Analytical (OA),8 a UK-based "strategic consulting firm" (according to CRF) that works with power brokers such as J.P. Morgan, the Aspen Institute, and the World Bank?  

Why would an extremely false leader and Ecumenical church pastor as Rick Warren, in an unprecedented move by globalists,  be invited to participate in Global planning, and why would he even participate?  November 20, 2006, Joseph Farah of WorldNet Daily, in regard to Warren's recent visit to Syria's Muslim leader, wrote:

"I pointed out to Warren that WND had indeed attempted to contact him about his trip. No one from his Saddleback Church ever returned our calls the day the story broke. 'I'm sure since you were warned in advance by the State Department that you took the precaution of recording your own words,' I suggested in my response. 'We look forward to seeing the transcripts.'...       "I really didn't expect to hear back from Warren, but, a few minutes later, I did, with an absolutely stunning retort. He let me know he is a close friend of President Bush 'and many, if not most, of the generals at the Pentagon.' He also told me he did not tape anything while in Syria, 'because it was a courtesy call, like I do in every country.' Warren explained that he had also counseled with the National Security Council and the White House, as well as the State Department, before his little courtesy call.... 'In fact, Warren added, 'as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Oxford Analytica, I might know as much about the Middle East as you.'...       "Not one to let lies go unchallenged, I wrote back to Warren with a link to the YouTube video: 'If you didn't tape anything, what's this?... It might be that Rick Warren, deep in the bush of Rwanda, never received those last questions, because he never responded,  at least not in the last three days. He did, however, within minutes make sure the YouTube video he recorded independent of his meetings with the Syrian brown shirts was removed from the network."9
The satan through his false prophets is very fast bringing the so-called Christian church into a one world Ecumenical political-religious system, Mystery of Babylon (Rev), to support his global governance.

                     Politically Already laws are being passed throughout America to prohibit public teaching of Christian morality to children.  Already homosexuality, and all sexual deviations or being legally protected and even taught, and will continue to a place of social prominence even within so-called churches.  Already, the family unit is being destroyed from being responsible for their children.  Now the government is taking over since the parents don't care.

The false prophets within present day Christianity have caused this, they have deceived their people with lies and falsehoods and self-serving compromising.  And the people are totally blinded to their falsehoods.   These false prophets (popular preachers and teachers and answer man) must bear responsibility for this once truly Christian nation and people becoming a pagan debauchery of evil conduct and principles of self serving political tyranny and/or chaos.  Our Liberties are very rapidly being taken away by the politics of satan in our government schools and social laws.

In this country (USA), true Christians will soon be jailed and persecuted for any objection.  True Christians will soon become even imprisioned and killed for objection.  Religious freedom is being lost to governmental tyranny by an evil and deceived American citizenry.

We are being gobalized by satan into a "c"hristian world wide paganism, serving themselves in the name of their preferred idols. 
And, of course, their preferred idols will be themselves, as gods. (The satan's second lie, in the Garden).

All latter day prophecies are now rapidly being fulfilled.   All foretold from the beginning.   The scriptures are true!   Praise our Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit Himself.


The Book of Matthew, tells us that in the latter times there shall arise many false christs and false prophets and show many great signs and wonders, that if possible the very elect would be deceived (Matt 24:24), and Revelation says,  "all the world" will worship satan as well as worship the anti-(substitute) christ.

Christ says that people will say, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works (dunamis, miracles)?   And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity" (Matt 7:22-23).
And Paul tells us very clearly, that in this same last time, exactly WHAT will happen and WHY":
2 Thess 2:8-12    And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perishBECAUSE they received not the Love of the Truth, that they might be saved.

11 And FOR THIS CAUSE God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe "THE" LIE:   (probably the first lie by satan in the Bible and through the ages, "You will not surely die," if you disobey God.)

12 That they all might have been made judged who had themselves not committed to The Truth, but had been pleased in unrighteousness."

They all play "christian" church.

Selah     "He that is having ears to hear, let him hear."

Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.                               Luke 18:17
  Jesus Christ of Bethlehem, Our Creator

"Our Father, may this website be to Thy Glory for Eternity.  Greatly bless and fill with Thy Holy Spirit those who read the words of this website, and save through Thy Holy Spirit enlightenment those whom You do not indwell.    May You be pleased with Your Son in us."  Amen


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Our Creator God

1. Who is God to us?
2. God's Purposes
3. Who are we to God?
4. God's Attributes
5. Priority of Attributes
6. Truth, Next Attribute
7. Highest Attribute
8. Holiness Scriptures
9. Man's Purpose
10. No Sin Permissible
11. Covenants of God
12. Christ's Laws

A. Sons of God
B. Dear Brother
C. Cessationism
D. How to be Saved
E. Let us Reason
F. Verbal Inerrancy
G. Knowing Scripture

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