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3. Fundamental Integration -> New Testament Greek -> Introduction

An Understanding of Greek is Helpful to understanding the scriptures

God in His Word supplies our every need. Every answer is in His Living Word.  "
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim 3:16-17).

BUT Please understand that ALL New Covenant Scripture was Given to all mankind by our Creator God in the Koine Greek language.!! 
Beyond this Perfect Greek Word of God Preserved in Heaven for Eternity, we only have fallible man's thinking and works on earth through the centuries of compounded corruptions But even then we are provided God's Providential Preservation of His Word through His Holy Spirit Guidance and Works for our individual needed possibility of Restoration to His Personal Holiness for Eternity.

Introduction  A basic understanding of Greek helps us to specifically understand scripture. Unlike English, Greek is a very specific language that could be understood only one way. It was not by chance that the Lord Jesus came to earth when He did, not only at a time of peace and universal rule of the largest "world" government known at that time, but at a time also with a universal common language in that known world. This language is by Divine providence most suited for the Holy Spirit of the Father to clearly and precisely state His divine purposes in "His only begotten Son."1 Even a child understanding this common language of the day could not mistake the precise plain clear meaning of His gospel, "the power of God unto salvation" (Rom. 1:16).

It is quite sad to hear a famous Bible teacher referring to 5 or 10 different translations to find a definition that supports his purposes (starting bias, which he calls context), when the "Truth" can be determined by referring to the original Greek text and how each questioned single word is specifically defined considering all its contextual uses in the single self-defining Infallible Greek Word. One begins to wonder if sanity is available to us today.

Additionally, in the same manner, referring to a Greek Lexicon, which is a collection of different meanings assigned in common usage to each Greek word through the centuries, to find a meaning that fits our allegorizing starting definition for confirmation, is pure idiocy beyond our wildest dreams.

There are three very distinct advantages given also in having a basic understanding of Greek (Please notice! I didn't say being a Greek student, or able to read Greek). First, you will be able to evaluate the claims made by false teachers who may even use the Greek as a defense for their teachings. Second, you will be able to understand why those who profess to be the stalwarts of Fundamentalism forcefully advance some unscriptural teachings that are not supported by the Greek because of bad hermeneutics. Third, your fellowship and growth as individuals under the Lord will improve with the key to knowledge.  All should read Prov 2:1-5.2 

BEFORE GETTING INTO A SIMPLE AND CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF GREEK, followed by an application that will help you in your own personal understanding, let us
(1) briefly address , "Nicolaitanism;"a necessary basic understanding in the next article and
(2) then discuss in three articles regarding helps derived from some understanding of Greek.

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Our Creator God

1. Who is God to us?
2. God's Purposes
3. Who are we to God?
4. God's Attributes
5. Priority of Attributes
6. Truth, Next Attribute
7. Highest Attribute
8. Holiness Scriptures
9. Man's Purpose
10. No Sin Permissible
11. Covenants of God
12. Christ's Laws

A. Sons of God
B. Dear Brother
C. Cessationism
D. How to be Saved
E. Let us Reason
F. Verbal Inerrancy
G. Knowing Scripture

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