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1. Introduction -> New Age Society -> Morals Redefined

Morals Redefined. Godless Creature-Worship Rules.

Tolerance redefined. Now with morals and Christianity no longer tolerated and supported by our government or schools, we are regressing backwards toward the lowest morality of mankind.. Today, selfless love and self-sacrifice of ourselves as the ideal has been replaced with open lust for men or women as an acceptable expression of real love. "Love" is now considered as accepting and participating in "evil" regardless. The seeking of moral Truth and Justice in all things has now been replaced with a New Age humanistic invention, something called "tolerance."

This is not the tolerance that we understood in the 50's and all of previous history. This is not the tolerance we knew of recognizing and respecting other's beliefs and practices, while not necessarily agreeing or sympathizing with them. An attitude that everyone has a right to their own opinion. When anyone expressed their opinions they were tolerated with their opinions, not necessarily in agreement. Each person of both sides had a right to their own opinions and a right to express them. This was tolerance, historically.

Today, this meaning of tolerance has been replaced with the meaning "acceptance of evil." This New Age "tolerance" is exactly the opposite to what it was before 50 years ago. This "tolerance" means one MUST agree, praise, and accept anyone's opinion as equally valid to their own. And, especially, one must not express an opinion in opposition. No one can say there is Truth or a moral right or wrong. Now no one is allowed to have an opinion of his own of Truth or right or wrong. If you do, you will be castigated and violently criticized and rejected as a bigot, filled with hatred, and labeled "intolerant."

 What is New Age tolerance? It is "no-thinking-acceptance" of evil and total intolerance of "good." There is no tolerance for Truth or morals, only rejection. Today, you must condone what you believe is "evil" or be rejected as evil yourself. This is what this New Age "tolerance" actually is: "evil" regardless and hatred of "good."

"Today's definition is vastly different [than historical dictionary tolerance]. This [New Age] tolerance considers every individual's beliefs, values, lifestyle and "truth" claims as equally valid.  So not only does everyone have an equal right to his beliefs, all beliefs must be accepted as equal. This new tolerance goes beyond respecting a person's rights; it demands praise and endorsement of that person's beliefs, values and lifestyle"1 If anyone refuses to praise and endorse anyone else they are hatefully labeled a "bigot" and many other epitaphs. Tolerance today specifically means accept "evil" regardless.

Now, in the name of this new definition of tolerance, even our President Clinton guided government policy and expenditures. "In fact, just last April, 1999, President Clinton announced a public-private partnership with companies such as AT&T, known for its aggressive support of homosexual rights, to teach 'tolerance' to middle school children. The President linked so-called "hate crimes" to intolerance and said, 'The No.1 security threat to [our nation] is the persistence of old, even primitive hatreds.'"

If you disagree and oppose them, you hate them. Our government under Clinton has for the first time in history become openly and militantly anti-Christian and fascist toward any opposition in whatever form. They say that to criticize evil, such as the homosexual act or fornication or stealing or whatever, is expressing hatred toward the individual; and to accept and encourage the individual regardless of his behavior is showing "love."

And now as we said before, love is also redefined as "evil" regardless.

Promotes Political Correctness, Defined by Government.

Now the government has taken this tolerance to fascism by passing laws criminalizing a person to speak out what is on their minds. We no longer have freedom of speech. The government demands that they set the standard of what is tolerated as "culturally correct."

This governmental program backs "Sensitivity Training." Under various names, this cleverly disguised program is sweeping the United States and is gaining favor in business, educational, social and religious organizations. In reality, this is the very same Sensitivity Training, based on Group Criticism and Self-Criticism which was proudly proclaimed by Mao Tse Tung as the "Marxist-Leninist weapon today that is the hallmark distinguishing the Communist party from all other parties." It sounds so enticing when it is introduced as a method of "helping you to know and understand one another better," but its disguises can never hide the satanic use of the principles of "group criticism, self criticism and indiscriminate sexual contact" thrown in so deceptively.

Now the American government, under the past apogean wicked Presidential eight years (1982-2000), fittingly ending the last century of our Republic, has begun legislating against so-called "hate crimes." These are crimes that the government says are not done in "love" or what it deems acceptable motives. The government in its wisdom is now playing god, in deciding to judge motives. Never before in our American history has law been written against "motives" that the government now can divinely discern and prohibit a priori.

By extension of this nose-of camel introduction of "hate crimes," the government may now assume to judge motives as to whether a person is following any religion of which it may or may not approve. The coming antichrist is having a government being ready made for himself, isn't he?  Next, is it any wonder that the next President Bush has taken upon himself to redefine what a good Moslem is?  These underlying changes are very subtle.  We must discern the spirit, not just dumbly listen to TV.

In the Future, this means that the government will presume to define whether a religion is acceptable depending upon whether anything is tolerated in the name of "love," all by New Age definitions, of course. All religious preferences must be subjugated to what the government will decide is acceptable in whatever form.

By this means, all Fundamental religious differences of whatever form are being marginalized (redefined by use of this Hegelian dialect) as unacceptable.  "Toleration," by New Age definition, will be whatever the government will decide is acceptable. This means that unless we will conform to the Ecumenical apostasy of "anything is acceptable," or what they call "love," we will not be acceptable individuals and will be deserving of the government's sanctions.

Truth has been denied We must understand that when we send our children to most government subsidized schools that they are being taught "evil" regardless and a denial of "Truth." The idea that there is a moral and specific Truth in the universe and a Creator is now denied. Your children are being taught to hate the idea of Truth and morals and the Creator.

At no time in our American history has there ever been such a public acceptance of evil and outright promotion and government support of ideologies and practices of evil. All of history is coming to an appointment in this time of what is being called a "New Age,"

Sometimes it is referred to as the Age of Aquarius, because it fittingly follows the Age of Pisces (the sign of Christianity) in astrology. To thinking Christians nothing has become more apparent than a polarization of forces and ideologies against Christianity. Our society and our government in all branches have become anti-Christian, even referred to as the "post-Christian" era.

Now, the prevailing theme in our culture is "evil" regardless. Alexis de Tocqueville, in 1832 prophetically stated that America will cease to be great when it ceases to be good. America must wake up. But I fear it is too late for our country. Perhaps, this message that is being read, will only reach the hearts of a few individuals that have ears to hear, for their own eternal salvation.

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Our Creator God

1. Who is God to us?
2. God's Purposes
3. Who are we to God?
4. God's Attributes
5. Priority of Attributes
6. Truth, Next Attribute
7. Highest Attribute
8. Holiness Scriptures
9. Man's Purpose
10. No Sin Permissible
11. Covenants of God
12. Christ's Laws

A. Sons of God
B. Dear Brother
C. Cessationism
D. How to be Saved
E. Let us Reason
F. Verbal Inerrancy
G. Knowing Scripture

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