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1. Introduction -> New Age Society -> USA Influenced by Satan

The United States is Openly Influenced by Satan.

People evil
The reason for all of the above is very simple to understand. The majority of the people of the world and particularly the American people have become completely desensitized to evil in all forms. The majority of the people of the United States now privately condone immorality if not publicly, and they condone the relativistic teaching that truth is not an absolute but whatever anyone thinks it may be for them, and they have a right to make "truth" to what pleases them. They have totally rejected the Christian principles upon which this country was founded and ran for its first 300 years.

Music satanic
They have become desensitized to the beat and rhythm music from the 60's so that younger generations hardly know what a musical melody is. They have become desensitized to spiritualism and witchcraft beliefs and practices. They have become desensitized to violence and nudity and immorality of all types. They are become like mindless hedonistic robots planning and moving from one sensual experience to another, with little thought for any other consideration.

Our young people worship daily with what is called "Christian Rock" which is hidden satanism using Biblical terms. Our uncritical youth and parents think it is OK because it is called "Christian." One author gives this chilling story:
  • Recently my investigation into "Christian" rock turned up remarkable evidence. A 19-year-old now in a state prison for murder was the subject of part of this investigation. This youth had first become involved with rock music and the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy game. Graduating to blatant Satanism, he drank animal and human blood at Satanic rituals. Eventually, he was convicted of murder-of sacrificing both of his parents to Satan!
  • I further uncovered the startling fact that, from his prison cell, this young man was communicating with young girls who had written to him because they saw him on television and "thought he was handsome." He masterfully instructed two young girls to participate in a local teen Satanism group and to read Anton LaVey's THE SATANIC BIBLE.
  • So what does this have to do with "Christian" rock? Simply this: the convict made it clear to his youthful new prospects that there was only one rule they must obey regarding music: They could listen only to "Christian" rock!!1

Read Appendix F concerning the effect of New Age music in our churches.

Morals Rejected
The majority of the people of the United States want to let everyone do just as they please so long as they themselves are not disturbed in their own pleasures. This simple truth about the majority of the people is proven every election time in this country. The politicians themselves have become so compromising in the character of this relativistic age that the people are not given any choice as to who can be trusted to act for the best of the country. Like their constituents, they all seem self-serving and each does that which gives them personal power and pleasure. Benjamin Franklin said, "The people get the government they deserve."

Today's teenagers are more affluent and less rebellious.  There are few standards left to rebel against. They have come to accept divorce as normal. Most of their parents are achievement-oriented Baby Boomers so, often sadly, teens never see a family unit in love, nurturing, and discipline or feel that anyone cares about them. Their parents only give money and lip service to caring about them while they go their own selfcentered ways. Neither parents or children  believe in absolutes, either. Over 80 percent of teens say there are no moral absolutes, no absolute truths, no definitive ethical realities. 2

Given to Pleasure
In the secular world the greatest tools of satan have been our (1) government, particularly the Supreme Court, (2) our schools, and (3) our news and entertainment industry.

During the past 40 years, the TV industry, movies, entertainments, and news have totally changed the morals and attitudes of the Americans to a totally hedonistic society. At the same time, the avarice and immorality of the Americans for wealth and pleasure have destroyed the historic American family with the mother nurturing the children with a loving caring father. The children today are left to the schools and baby sitters.

Homework and tutoring at home by parents is becoming unknown and education of the public is now among the lowest among the industrialized nations. Courses on dying and living wills are now being given in high schools. On April 20, 1999, Columbine High School in the Littleton suburb of Denver, CO., where death and dying and writing wills was taught in classes to High School students, witnessed 22 murders, 50 woundings, and 2 suicides, and why not? No hope and no morals are given to our youth. Married couples fear bringing children into such a world.

After the Littleton (Columbine) shooting, a pastor asked: "How can you expect orderly behavior from people who have never been properly disciplined? How can you expect orderly thoughts from people whose music is close to chaos?3  If you refuse to impose values, why are you surprised when [kids] act as if they had none?"4

In the past, homes with mothers and fathers helped and encouraged their children in homework and taught and disciplined them in the Bible and morality of right and wrong. Parents and children had meals together in their homes. Parents taught their children that they could attain whatever goals they dreamed. Now the parents leave education to the schools and smilingly let the children learn and practice outright evil so long as no one is hurt "physically."

Violence Accepted
Violence is the basis of most movie plots and the language is often degrading, vile, and repulsive throughout. Then as a result even nine year olds or older today are brutally murdering their school mates as a passing thought. Surprisingly, we wonder why. Violence is tolerated in everyday life with criminals given education in more violence in our prison systems to be turned back into the streets. Government is no longer a terror to criminals as meant to be, but a user of crimes and criminals to further their own plans for laws giving to themselves more legal police and military control of the public in every aspect of living.

America is no longer "good" as prophetically warned.   And the totally dumbed-down American public, after 50 years of worsening and evil education, is totally oblivious of it all so long as each person gets his daily ration of sensual living.

Witchcraft and Satanism Accepted
Now, the public unquestioningly accepts ceremonial dedications of public buildings, while praying to the four spirits of directions and the male and female spirit, father god and mother earth, within them being invoked by the chaplain of the facility. This is obviously a witchcraft ceremony. The public today thinks nothing of watching hours of demonic and spiritualistic nonsense on TV; being systematically desensitized to mediums, reincarnation, astrology, talking to the dead, and spiritualism, demons, witchcraft, and satanism.

  • By the time he or she is seventeen years old, a child will have spent at least 40,00 hours watching movies, videos, and TV programs......In contrast, he or she will have spent only 11,000 hours in school, 2,000 hours with his or her parents, and 800 hours in church, if attended.5
  • Parents think it normal for their children to put rings in their bodies, and be tattooed and have devil worship on their bedroom walls and satanic pentagrams on their bedroom floors, while the children listen to music about demons, murder, and torture.
  • But if that same child would clean up and put on a suit and go to church the parents would suspect they are under the influence of a Christian cult and be concerned. It is quite obvious that Christianity for the first time in American history is under censure and persecution by a mislead depraved people.

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Our Creator God

1. Who is God to us?
2. God's Purposes
3. Who are we to God?
4. God's Attributes
5. Priority of Attributes
6. Truth, Next Attribute
7. Highest Attribute
8. Holiness Scriptures
9. Man's Purpose
10. No Sin Permissible
11. Covenants of God
12. Christ's Laws

A. Sons of God
B. Dear Brother
C. Cessationism
D. How to be Saved
E. Let us Reason
F. Verbal Inerrancy
G. Knowing Scripture

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