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4. Heretical New Age Church -> New Age Salvation Doctrines -> Historical Background

New Age Salvation Doctrines

Historical Background of Fundamental Beliefs

As adults, we love to make things complex. As we learn about the TULIP concepts of Calvinism and learn about the opposing concepts of Arminianism, we are truly into a hermeneutic play with the stages full of opposing speakers, despite the devout dedication and sincerity of all our brothers in either camp. The Arminian believer thinks the born-again believer can backslide to perdition, or return in repentance, and still go to Heaven if he perseveres; the Calvinist believer thinks that if truly born-again, he may never backslide, or if he does he will always without fail return, and that he will also in the end persevere and go to Heaven.

All of them believe, whether Calvinist or Arminian, in the (1) same requirements of being born-again and also in (2) the absolute need of Holy living and morality, and (2) the ultimate perseverance (continuing in present tense committing) in the end in order to go to Heaven.1   It was upon these basic agreements that the USA Society of people in general, from 1620 to 1960, was founded and thrived as a open Christian Society.  But as a New Constitutiional entity since September 17, 1787, something very subtle happened politically.
As a nation, our country's Constitution, was founded by Deist (neither Calvinist nor Arminian, but believed a god created all things, gave us mere general principles to follow, and then left men to fend for themselves), men regarding moral principles only. These founding fathers, as they were called in 1776 and 1787, were for the most part Masonic followers of Masonic teachings, and of course as politicians, telling the people what they wanted to hear and get, schools and society based upon Biblical principles. 

This is why all our nation's Capital buildings, and the Obelisk called the Washington Monument, all other Monuments, the Washington street configurations, and the Capital Building, speak totally of pagan gods, and the apotheosis of George Washington and other Founders and Presidents and even Lincoln(1863). This is why our Constitution is founded only upon Deist concepts to support Masonic concepts open to any and all religions, and NEVER openly declared in the Constitution of us to be a Christian nation to follow Christian Biblical principles ONLY, clearly and openly demanded. 

This is why we now have the society we now have, much different from our earlier Christian society up to 1960, and now (2017), the Federal courts are ignoring completely the Deist Constitution, then resting only on generalities of moral principles relating to the Bible.  Our majority of society, now in general, has no moral principles at all. And by now, 2017, is totally ignoring the Biblical Christian principles of our once early past history of our American society.

 Additionally, since WWII in 1940's the women of this country have left homes and progressively started working more outside the home jobs for money, dividing the once previous family units with mothers in homes to oversee the family home and children while only the fathers worked outside the family.   Today the home is no longer a center for private worship and teaching morals to their children as once occurred in our earlier society up till 1960's.  So today the past 3-4 generations are raised as heathen pagans, seeking only their own pleasures and preferences.  What can we expect of them.   

Additionally, the Socialist subversives in this country starting since, at least, the 1940's in this country have successfully endeavored to change our educational system to that of all Socialist teachers.  They have been thoroughly successful throughout our land.  Now, our public schools, from kinder garden through post-graduate, are little more than breeding grounds for atheist and Marxist Socialists.  It seems to real Christians today that our once Christian society is no longer of a sound mind in the majority.  They have turned to vicious mindless demons.  

A smallest leaven, leavens the whole lump (1 Cor 5:6; Gal 5:9).
Returning, the functional difference, between Calvinists and Arminians, in ultimate outcome is simply whether a truly born again person can ever backslide to the place of losing his salvation. The Arminian says, yes; the Calvinist says, no. Each take the warnings of the scriptures about sinning and repentance required by Christians seriously and do not discount them.2  The Arminian says, they are serious warnings to keep me from backsliding, which is possible. The Calvinist also, says they are serious warning to keep me from backsliding, but if I'm truly born-again I will not backslide irretrievably, because I am one of those Elected to Heaven, regardless, they teach..

The non-historic modern NEW AGE DISPENSATIONAL "grace" regardless  teachers, since introduced into the USA in 1900,  teach (1) completely different requirements of being born-again and also (2) no need of Holy Living for RESTORATION, and (3) no need of perseverance whatsoever. They say that the warnings don't apply to us at all, but to unbelievers or to a "temporal" salvation for believers. They completely discount all the warnings as applying to loss of eternal salvation for their one-time "truster" in a promise of salvation.

To start, it is important to understand, however, on what basis the two historic camps (Arminius and Calvin) do agree upon. First, in agreeing upon the same requirements of being born-again (by same words only, but with different origins and definitions), they agree on the basic tenants of Fundamentalism in salvation, but in their superficial wording only.  Their WHY, HOW, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHO are completely different and in full opposition. Indeed, they are so different in these areas that even their concepts of Who God is becomes entirely different and opposed.  Second, they both agree to keep themselves separate from evil, whether in morality or doctrines, but the differences in how this is done is entirely different and in oppostion. 

These basic superficial agreements exist, yet profound, even morally profane differences, in WHY, HOW, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHO are existing between Calvinism and Arminianism.  However, upon these superficially agreeing principles, our USA was founded and thrived as a Christian society.   

Then we had the modern introduction of Dispensationalism in 1830's into the world and which has so tragically affected our country, since introduced in 1900, causing the great moral tragedy the USA is in today,  So it is important to understand the old foundation of our country, before we venture into what the modern Dispensational "grace" regardless teachers tell us today.  And now vile Dispensationalism, since 2000, has openly evolved now into a totally antichrist, anti-Biblical, satanic, so-called Emerging church today, which is overtaking all the world.

Historic Calvinistic or Arminian Christianity Agrees upon:
First, they believe in the verbal (each word) and plenary (fully complete), literal meaning of the original scriptures (allowing figures of speech and idioms), that only by scripture (illuminated by the Holy Spirit within us) can we comprehend doctrinal Truth, and that Biblical faith through which we are saved can exist only in regard to the Truth as found in the original Greek scriptures. The Reformation rested upon sole fide, sole grace, sole scriptura, sole Christos: through faith alone, by grace alone, scriptures only, and Christ only.  But understand the wide gulf of differences in explanations of WHY, HOW, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHO in differences of explanations existing about these principles.  

Second, they also insisted that (1) repentance and (2) believing (committing) into the (3) Lordship of Jesus Christ as (4) Immutable, Triune, and Creator God incarnate, crucified and risen from the dead, and a (5) continuing personal faith (the Holy Spirit Mind of Christ in our spirits) obedient relationship to Him in Holy Living are necessary to salvation. These five listed terms in the previous sentence were held to be necessary for salvation for 1900 years by all orthodox protestant believers, our early church leaders of the early centuries or later the Calvinist or Arminians. And they were the test of cults and errant doctrines for these 1900 years. 

The Calvinists and Arminians, however, have totally different definitions as to the WHY, HOW, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHO of each of the terms above.   Even today with the world wide pervasive "grace" regardless apostasy (otherwise called Dispensationalism today) throughout both camps, the Calvinists, still holding to Calvinist doctrines as essential from evil, are maintaining themselves from this world-wide apostasy as well or better than most of the professing so-call Fundamentalist Arminians TODAY. 

These errant Arminians and Calvinists corrupted by the Dispensational salvation doctrines, we call the New Age Fundamentalists, JUST AS WE DO THE DISPENSATIONALISTS.  These don't even realize how they have been taught totally false Dispensational salvation definitions of doctrines in their esteemed Bible Schools, yet they think of themselves as separatist Fundamentalists, whether Calvinist or Arminian (or Baptists, who have always thought so highly of themselves in their total blindness since inception in 1600's).

Only the deeply deceived proudly call themselves Ecumenicals today.

What is vital to understand is that the Arminians (includes the Anabaptists from Christ's time, not Baptists of 1660's and since) and Calvinists historically agreed as to the words, implications, and warnings relating to the three requirements for salvation
(See Fundamentals in Section 2 of Doffun. com), as did the early church leaders and Apostles. That is why they are referred to as Historic Christianity, upon which our country was founded.

However, their real disagreements historically are upon the WHY, HOW, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHO of these word definitions which makes the difference between Arminius and Calvin, as the difference between the sound Mind of a new-born child of Almighty God, and an irrational person bereft also of any moral reasoning, respectfully.

Dispensationalism, Introduced into America in 1900's, Systematized New Age Changes

New Age modern Dispensational "grace" regardless teachers have redefined all three (See Fundamentals in Section 2 of Doffun. com) of these historic beliefs concerning salvation.

Upon this basis they have totally departed from historic fundamentalism, yet still, amazingly, are allowed acceptance within the present day walls of Fundamentalism. Amazingly, they are not labeled as a cult as all others who do this are, who also deny Lordship for salvation.

Even the Catholics give lip service to the five above mentioned salvation beliefs but added to them and really nullified them in their prescribed pagan practices and traditions. Now since Vatican II, they also say even unbelievers and non-Catholics are saved by God's "grace" regardless. The New Age "grace" regardless "fundamentalists" and the Catholics are now becoming kissing cousins.

Indeed, technically speaking one cannot, therefore, even regard these "grace" regardless teachers as "orthodox" despite their present acceptance by historically Fundamental denominations and Bible schools. Amazing. They should not be regarded as Fundamental. But because their teachings originated within our early modern scholarly Bible Schools (Dallas Theological Seminary particularly), Fundamental institutions or even denominations or church groups are not speaking out against them; we have called their teachings New Age Fundamentalism.

I think what has allowed their salvation doctrines to be listened to is because they originate from a dispensational  allegorical hermeneutic (interpretation on the basis of allegorical assertions). To the discredit of many early Bible school leaders (Ironsides of Moody Bible Institute for one), they immediately adopted the new dispensational allegorical teachings of the pretrib rapture brought to them by Scofield. It was not hard for them, thereafter, to consider more dispensation nonsense regarding salvation itself coming from DTS. We will discuss the origins and further details of their New Age teachings in this website.  But allegorical teachings they are in entirety, no definite scriptural statements saying them in any manner.

The New Testament Was Written in Greek

Also before going into the history and applications of the New Age doctrines, let us be clear as to how to understand the scriptures. I am convinced that a little child new-born, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, going to a good translation of scriptures to find "the" Truth, and the Truth only, plainly stated in the plain scriptures, will find it.

But most adults cannot learn in an isolated Arabian desert for three years as Paul did (after he already knew the scriptures thoroughly). They are bombarded on all sides with preachers and teachers telling them to first memorize all sorts of doctrines, they are not able to discern and judge.  Consequently, they are deceived all their lives, unless they really study for many years on their own to discern the false from the Truth.

They will want to: (1) simply read them as "God said what He meant and meant what He said." This is called literal interpretation, allowing, of course, for figures of speech or idioms. Of course, this totally discounts all Dispensationalism which is a lie from the beginning because they say they only interpret scriptures literally, without spiritualizations of them.  Their assertions of this are total lies, since upon looking at their derivations of their interpretations, they always use Allegories (Spiritualizing introduced by Origen, 220 AD) in all their unfounded interpretations.  Nothing they teach is literal scripture,  (2) Use inductive reasoning and studying only (a child's way of thinking) as described in Hermeneutics, and Appendix E Let us Reason, in Free eBook, Our Creator God.  Ignoring doctrines or teachings of anyone. This means that as the Bereans, they search the scriptures to see if whatever they hear from teachers or preachers is true. And (3), not necessary but if possible, incorporate some understanding of Greek and reference to a good interlinear and a Greek-English concordance using historic English terminology, retaining "faith, believe, repentance" and so forth; and giving verb parsings (tense, voice, mood) and Greek Parsings of the 14 different word forms..

In doing these three things, any born-again will come to a very clear detailed full knowledge (epignosis) of the Truth, being taught by the Holy Spirit.


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Our Creator God

1. Who is God to us?
2. God's Purposes
3. Who are we to God?
4. God's Attributes
5. Priority of Attributes
6. Truth, Next Attribute
7. Highest Attribute
8. Holiness Scriptures
9. Man's Purpose
10. No Sin Permissible
11. Covenants of God
12. Christ's Laws

A. Sons of God
B. Dear Brother
C. Cessationism
D. How to be Saved
E. Let us Reason
F. Verbal Inerrancy
G. Knowing Scripture

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