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2. Fundamentals vs. New Age -> Believing vs New Age Believing -> Even the Demons Believe

                               EVEN THE DEMONS BELIEVE

Demons believe the gospel facts.  Demons are Justly not given repentence (given no choice, right, to disobey, as Adam was given) and demons unwillingly commit to His Lordship.

The scriptures do not teach that all one must do is simply believe and trust as facts in our head His acts and promises as factually stated in the Bible.   This the demons do, and tremble because they were given no right-of-choice to deny Christ's Lordship over them, as Adam was given.   Our Creator and Lord God justly and righteously gained all Dominion away from the satan at our Lord's Cross and Resurrection, RELEASING US FROM OUR SEPARATION FROM HIM, IF WE WOULD CHOOSE HIS LORDSHIP.    

Theologians (totally blind) today boast that unregenerate believing (just mental notation) is "objective faith" in Christ.  Demons teach this and now the New Agers are doing the same thing. "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." James 2:19  The actual word in James 2:19 translated believe, is actually 4100 pisteuo, means to commit (submit yourself under anothers orders), and this the demons do and tremble under Christ Who might send them into hell immediately.  The satan does not tremble now, he knows the prophetic scriptures, want to continue taking as many deceived "c"hristians and other to hell with him as he can.

We are to repent (turn from our ways) and commit or subject ourselves continuously to a Person, the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal God, for our eternal salvation.  Demons are not given this right or privilege, regardless of how fully knowing all the salvation facts and promises.  They are not privileged to repent and believe (commit, subject themselves) for the result of the Lord Jesus Christ, dying to their self will, as signified by our burial baptism. This full committal is not permitted to them because they cannot first repent, reject their evil ways, they too were not given a right of choice.

The demons believe (commit, although unwillingly) and tremble in a knowledge of one God. They also now know the truth of the historical data and promises concerning Christ's life and death and resurrection to provide our full salvation and the freeing of all creation from the satan's dominion. But they are beyond the boundaries of such a salvation provided for all mankind because of their pre-Adamic unlawful (no choice given to them) rebellion against our Father and His Son and the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Godhead.  With full-knowledge of the Heavenlies and powers of the world to come (Heb 6:4-5-6), they committed blasphemia of the Holy Spirit to which repentance is never granted (Matt 12:31-32; Mk 3:29) to anyone.

Their rejection of His Lordship, is the crucial issue. He is Lord, and He cannot deny Himself (2 Tim 2:13).  Angels were thrown out of Heaven. Fallen man (given a right of choice, unlike fallen angels) is now again offered His Lordship to the praise of the Glory (Spiritual Perfection) of His Grace (God's method of salvation, which is, "Christ in you (faith), through your obedience, doing what you cannot do.")  God cannot offer this again to the fallen angels or demons or He wouldn't be Just. "To declare, I say, at this time His righteousness: that He might be just, and the justifier (or the making righteous) of him out from (ek) Jesus' faith (or faith of Jesus)." Rom 3:26
You see, the secret of Lordship is to first repent, reject your ways and preferences, then you can subject yourself to the orders of another (continuously commiting), for the result and purpose of Lord Jesus Christ.  In light of their total knowledge of God and His Presence, Demons cannot repent, they cannot reject their own chosen self-centered ways.  God cannot grant to them repentance and also, did not give to them the right-of-choice to rebell, as He gave to Adam. This is the demonic difference.  Angels are not granted repentance.    This is what only natural man can do for salvation that is offered to him.  And this repentance is exactly what Dispensationalists teach that man NEED NOT do for salvation.  They teach that believing (just a mental notation), at only one time, is all that saves any for Eternity, regardless.  So repentance is the same as believing, they teach. (Louis Sperry Chafer, Dallas Theological Institute).  This is pure assertion of man, as all Calvinism and Dispensationalism is, based upon no scripture at all, but simply whatever man asserts is the doctrine.

Demons can have no relationship to God whom they rejected, as Lord.  Neither can a deceived person listening to Dispensationalism being taught by them.    Demons rejected God after having a Heaven-present-knowledge of Him, having fully tasted the powers of the world to come (Heb 6:4-6), which is more than most all earth bound Christians obtain (perhaps Apostles Paul and John did). And God, with them in Heaven before they rebelled, gave the Angels no right-of-choice, as He later gave to Adam and Eve in the Garden.  So God is Just in not offering demons a right to return to Him by repentance and believing (committing, subjecting) to Him, Lord Jesus Christ.. They can only tremble as they realize that the very Son of God Himself rightfully and lawfully, by the giving for us of His own sinless human body (flesh nature) and blood to the grave, and resurrection Life THEREBY:
  1. Purchased back from satan's domain, all the rights and relationships given to the first Adam of mankind and the earth, which Adam selfishly and willfully, lost to satan. Christ paid the ransom (release from our sin (flesh nature) and sinning) His own sinless flesh nature and shed blood, and put it away in death, on behalf of our rebellious flesh nature, so that He could justly give us His resurrection indwelling Life into our cleansed vesselsIF we would choose to repent (reject self) to commit to His Lordship again, after his Divine enlightenment and enabling.
  2. Reestablished
    1. God's own Dominion and Authority of all the Heavens and all the earth lost to satan by the original Adam since God had given authority over the earth to Adam;
    2. Man's fellowship with God through faith, indwelling Spirit, which was lost by Adam and all descendants;
    3. Man's authority on the earth in Fellowship with God, walking by faith again, God's indwelling Spirit.
  3. Guaranteed, thereby, the sure promises of God's Holy Word concerning:
    1. The present demonic estate is now under the authority of any human being to whom a Lost Adamic lordship of earth is re-established upon repentance and commitment (subjection) to the Lord Jesus Christ, our Kinsman Redeemer, and now exercised only through faith (Lord's indwelling directions) by this reestablished fellowship of God and man. Note that any manifestation of this renewal can only be accomplished through the "faith" fellowship of God and man as taught in the scriptures. Thereby, dependent upon man's present incompletely sanctified walk and imperfect fellowship, this manifestation is at times difficult to observe or even apprehend. A scriptural understanding of "faith" whereby this fellowship and authority is available is absolutely necessary.
    2. The future restoration from the total loss of any original Adamic rights won by satan from the original Adam. At present satan's loss of these rights is only incomplete because of the continuance and longsuffering of God toward lost mankind, not willing that any should perish but that all would repent, thus delaying the sure judgment upon all evil in the world. Even those presently "regenerated" of mankind into the legal position of such authority, hardly apprehend nor exercise these legal rights through faith. This apprehension and exercise is dependant upon their personal knowledge of His Word and fellowship with the Father and daily walk through His "faith" granted to us; the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ in us, to lead, gift, assure, teach, and to empower us in the way of God's good works, by the presence or absence of which, all mankind shall be judged whether to Eternal Life or existing eternal fires of hell.
    3. The final and complete fulfillment of the sure Word of prophecy concerning the future of His promises to the nation of Israel and of the sure end of all evil.  All evil and sin is eternally separated from any of God's glorious (Spiritual Perfection) creation and future, including the eternal fire of Hell chosen by the unholy.   With the rapture, all the righteous and Holy on this earth with OT saints, risen at His resurrection, Judged on the basis of their works,  to live Live with their Heavenly Father in Heaven forever.  Then the following Wrath of God ending at Armageddon. The prophecies later applying to Israel, of God sitting on the Davidic throne on earth and all mankind spiritually knowing God and even at peace with such as all beasts, lions, tigers, and asps, shall be a marvelous and glorious Restoration of Adam's garden on the entire earth for all nations for one thousand years.   This is followed by the Great White Throne Judgment of all the lost from creation, judgment on the basis of their works, with death and hades cast into the lake of fire, with the earth and heaven fled away, the present universe removed (2 Pet 3:10-13).  Then, God's Spiritual Perfection (Glory) is fully manifest in Spiritual Perfection in a New (of a different kind) Heaven and New (of a different kind) Earth (Rev 21) wherein is dwelling righteousness (2 Pet 3:13) with no sea, no sun or moon, and no night there for the Glory of God lights it; ending all sin, sealing vision and prophet, and bringing everlasting righteousness (Dan 9:24). 

[[ IMPORTANT NOTICE:  All of these listed victories of Christ for us, planned even before the foundation of the earth, by His planned incarnation and physical death on the Cross with Resurrectiion, in order to demonstrate His worthiness to all His creations FOR ETERNITY,  must not be construed as teaching today's Dominion Theology or even "name it and claim it" that is espoused by the unbalanced excesses of practice and magical FALSE beliefs of the modern charismatics and Emerging church.

We, as committed ones, do have all these listed victories in Christ to be fully experienced within His kingdom (rule) today. But our experiencing them today is within the providence of God's Wisdom and direction AT ALL TIMES and FOR ETERNITY, and not our simply claiming them for ourselves as many teach. They can only be experienced as Christ in His Providence through His presence in us (faith) may direct and Himself provide, through His faith in us, not something of ourselves. This is not something we can simply claim as our own right and privilege.  To do this is little better than satanic rebellion.  Name it and claim it, as Word-of-faith believers, or as my spirit guide teaches, of the so-called Emergent church are not even in God's ball park at all.  Neither are the Calvinists and Dispensationalists who are also standing outside selling popcorn and drinks for peoples enjoyment while enjoying their friends at in their own cars or campers.

We (of ourselves) have no rights in Christ to command anything of ourselves. Only an understanding of faith can clarify this issue. No one can claim or demand anything from God. This would be acting in the very nature of the devil himself. To say that all you need to do is say "in the name of Jesus" all day and everything will be done for you, is not understanding that we are to do that in faith. And believing (committing into Him) is not faith. Faith is God in you directing you; it is Jesus Christ's faith, or "faith (Mind) of Jesus Christ" (Rom 3:22; Gal 2:16; Gal 3:22; Rev 14:12).   "Christ in (en, inside) you, the expectation of Glory" (Col 1:27).

And especially, the many "believe it, name it, claim it" word-of-faith groups, making whatever you want true for yourself (self hypnosis), is certainly not faith; this is magical thinking, mentally sick, demonic.  And in these latter days, we will see many such demonic works of miracle power, dunamis, deceiving many. 

The final world, the Emerging church TODAY, has had 100 years of these false teachers and demonic doctrines preparing the masses of now demonically deceived peoples of the world for the "god is all, god in all, and inclusiveness of all," pantheism, panentheism, and universalism.  God made the world but He is not the world (contrast pantheism), and He is not part of the world (contrast panentheism).  ALL ancient pagan religions' spiritual mysticisms have now achieved world-wide dominance in the satan's (rebeller) world, awaiting his final appearance of leadership.   And this has all been accomplished from within the so-called Christian church, as prophesied by Alice Bailey, the leading satanist of her time (predicted in 1940's).  The satan's (rebeller's) best work, since Christ's Apostles, has always been in church.   And he has never left the tree of knowledge in Bible Schools (stories) and Seminaries (cemeteries).  Through the so-called Christian church, satan has sent billions to hell by false doctrines.  ]]

And Dispenationalism of the past 100 years, with its "grace" regardless teachings, which denies the need of repentance and commitment to our Creator's Lordship for salvation while we are living here on earth, is pure satanic evil in every doctrinal word.  They have redefined EVERY doctrinal word, even God, to deceive, like demons. 

Yes, the demons know and truly believe all the facts and promises that multitudes of born-again Christians do not know or even comprehend experientially, but the demons are not allowed by the absence of God's prevenient grace to repent (rejection of their own ways to subject themselves to God's authority) and believe (commit, subject themselves under God) for the result and purposes of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the salvation difference between the demonic state and man's state. In their original rebellion, they did despite (Heb. 10:29, to scornfully and spitefully hurt)1 to the Holy Spirit for which there may be no salvation.  This is probably the "blasphemia of the Holy Spirit" from which a man cannot be forgiven either (Matt 12:31-32).  See footnote1

The New Age Dispensationalists teach (the "grace" regardless) that all we have to do is just believe the facts and promises (just like the demons).   The difference between the demons and humans is the privilege to repent and commit to His Person, His Godhead, Lord Jesus Christ.  But the Dispensational "grace" regardless deny that repenting and committing is necessay.  That puts them in the state of demons themselves.  Because of refusal of Lordship, the "grace" regardless also can not comprehend the faith that follows committing for the result and purposes of His Lordship.  They, who accept these doctrines of Dispensationalism, are in the same eternal position as demons, denying repentance and committing to Lordship for salvation. 

The Dispensationalists do not comprehend faith at all.  And in even concerning believing, the demons believe (commit) to the truth of these historical facts and promises even more than Dispensationalists do. The demons tremble at their understandings.
The New Age "grace" regardless teachers must admit, as they themselves falsely define faith as their believing, that they have the same "objective faith, a cast down, hopeless full mental notation of God" as these lost demons. They both have a lost standing with God in their rejection of Christ's Lordship in His salvation of men.  As demons they reject repentance and commitment to His Lordship for their salvation.

The issue is His Person, His Lordship; repenting (tuning from self pleasing) and believing (continuously commiting, putting one's self under the orders of another)  (eis) for the resuslt and purpose of Him. If a man or woman does not voluntarily choose His Lordship they will spend eternity with the devil and his angels, who likewise refused His Lordship. Lordship is the primary issue, but one of many others also. If one tries to avoid Lordship for salvation, one gets into all the redefinitions of this "grace" regardless cult that is within Fundamentalism today.

Incidentally, if the fallen angels could, do you think that satan, fallen angels, and demons would repent and believe (commit) to Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal Creator God Himself, fully believing, (committing to His Lordship) from what they now know, which was hidden from them before the creation of the world, the provision of forgiveness and releasing of mankind from its rebellion of disobedience, and was only revealed to them after Christ's death and victorious resurrection? Eph 3:9 and Col 1:26.

The answer is NO, they would NOT REPENT. They rebelled even without the right-of-choice (had choice only) being given to them, while being in the very presence of God's Loving Lordshiip in Heaven FOR ALL Eternity before. They thereby rejected their initimate knowledge of God's Holiness, Love, Truth, and Wisdom, and the Holy Spirit of God and His Holy Son.  They REJECTED the Holy Spirit of God DELIBERATELY AND WITH FULL-KNOWLEDGE.   How much greater is their condemnation as well as their mind of rebellion.   All humans have an implacable (permanent and determined) enemy among the powers of satan and his angels and demons in the air about us. 

But the New Age "grace" regardless preachers don't think commitment to His Lordship is necessary either. Who is being deceived? Certainly not the demons who have committed themselves to prevent men from doing this, knowing their sure end and wanting to delay it as much as possible.  Exactly the same thing that the "grace" regardless people say, "Lordship salvation is not necessary, indeed is even detrimental to the church."2  Is this a demon teaching?   YES!  Definitely it is a demon teaching!!

Paul said, "Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, According to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by (dia, through) the faith of Him" (Eph 3:8-12; see also, Rom 3:22; Gal 2:16; Gal 3:22; Rev 14:12)  Notice, it is not even our faith, as opposed to the Dispensational "grace" regardless teaching that even all unregenerate have faith.

See The Demonic Difference


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