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4. Heretical New Age Church -> New Age Salvation Doctrines -> Popularized in USA

New Age Salvation Doctrines Popularized

Today, at the turn of this century into the 2000's, we now have a third rationale of salvation, "another gospel" which we believe Paul warned against, proposed in the past 100 years which is a mixture of two new inventions of men. The first originally popularized by now little known Robert Sandeman (1718-1771) and the second originated with John Nelson Darby's (1800-1882) invention of Dispensations concerning salvation and prophecy.

This "another gospel."  Dispensationalism is what we are calling New Age Fundamentalism !!   For over 300 years, since the Reformation, we have been concerned with salvation in two main lines of thought in Calvinism or Arminianism. Now we have more recently absorbed a NEW AGE salvation, without realizing it. It is as irrational and unscriptural as all the other New Age teachings of recent years, only it is now being taught to Christians under the guise of being scriptural and thoroughly "orthodox fundamentalism".  Even the way these last two terms are used by them is heretical.

We don't think that the decent church-goers of the 1900's, knew this because this has been heralded as orthodoxy in the past 100 years. They have known or read or heard of nothing else. And few read the scriptures, as described in the article Hermeneutics, for themselves to find the Truth for themselves. They passively listen to their pastors. And their pastors passively listened to their Bible schools that they submissively trusted for the Truth, and they came out blind.

We all grew up with The Scofield Bible from Dr. C.I. Scofield, first published in 1908. Even in the first half of the 1900's, it was the only popular reference Bible available, and for these many years all of America studied their precious Scofield Bible. we have often thanked God for it in our own life. However, if one read the notes gullibly and passively as most did, the public became as blind as their pastors. 

Dr. C.I. Scofield brought John Nelson Darby's two new teachings from England about 1904, and since he pastored in Dallas, Texas, Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) in Dallas, which started in 1924, adopted these two innovations to "orthodox" theology and greatly expanded them and further popularized them. 

As explained in detail in the New Age Prophecy Doctrines concerning the origin of dispensational prophecy, Louis Sperry Chafer was a close associate of Scofield for many years, pastored his church in Dallas and finally himself co-founded Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS). Chafer popularized and expanded the dispensational teachings through his writings and graduates.

The Scofield Bible in 1908 introduced (1) dispensationalism with all its false teachings and (2) eternal security "regardless" (unconditional) as two new teachings into this country. But in the 50's and succeeding years, Dallas Theological Seminary became the leader and was renowned for scholarship among Fundamental schools to gain prestige and respect, and because of their scholarship began expanding and adding interpretations from dispensations that before were quite unknown even to Scofield's Bible.

Pastors come out of The Dallas Theological Seminary and other American Bible schools holding to their Dispensational teachings. This New Age salvation was expanded and started becoming extremely popular in the 1940's at Dallas Theological Seminary through the many writings of its president and co-founder, Louis Sperry Chafer. This school and its dedicated scholars and prolific writers have influenced American and world theology in profound and pervasive degrees throughout these past 90 years. And decent Americans and Bible school students hearing and reading little else have naively accepted what was presented by them as the historic Truth since Christ. And perhaps, even worse, they were taught bad irrational deductive reasoning in Dispensationalsim, to use in all their thinking about scriptures.

For 1900 years since the birth of Christ, these doctrines were never before known to the church at large. But the hard working faithful church going people of the United States, have come to believe that eternal security "regardless" and pretribulation rapture are considered orthodoxy. Little knowing that these teachings put out as "truths in the Bible," had no place in the church, indeed, not even known until Darby in 1830's and the popular Scofield Bible notes (1908) and Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS, 1924) in the United States of America.

The prolific scholars of DTS have saturated the academic world of Bible schools in the United States with their doctrines, which we shall examine as briefly as possible for clarity.

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